Fatuous bureaucratic agencies struggling to justify their existence should be held to Steyn’s sense-of-proportion test. If the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) really feared that “rightwing extremists” won recruits by preying on the “alienation” and “antigovernment” sentiment of moderate rightwingers, don’t you think it'd be wise not to publish a report on rightwing extremism that alienates moderate rightwingers and builds antigovernment sentiment? And if, in contrast, DHS wasn’t terrified of offending moderate Muslims into radicalization, don’t you think it would just call radical Islamists, “radical Islamists,” as it were?
Irony abounds. DHS’s recent report humiliates the rightwingers it fears are so susceptible to radicalization by including in its definition of extremists “individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.” At the same time, DHS secretary Janet Napolitano calls Radical Islam “a man-caused disaster” (fitting DHS’s 2008 push to replace the phrase “Radical Islam” with something unoffensive to Muslims, like “sectarian cult”), testifying to DHS’s fear of the violent rage of offended Muslims.
So now global warming’s hegemony as the great “man-caused disaster” has competition, which might, in a demented turn, anger and alienate the leftwing extremists. As the founder of “Air, Trees, Water, Animals” warned in a 1987 interview:
Why don’t you tell them what’s really going on? Why don’t you tell them the water’s so bad the fish can’t live in it? Why don’t you tell them that the polar caps are melting because they created so much heat with this machine? The truth is, simply, the planet earth is dying.
Such a visionary, that Charles Manson. And recall the record of leftwing extremists in times of economic woes: Perón in Argentina, Castro in Cuba, Sendero Luminoso in Peru, Stalin in Russia, even Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (their totalitarian religiosity puts them on the far left). Indeed, the double punch of the growing enviro-craze and a recession play particularly well to leftwing extremism.
DHS's "rightwing extremists" will find it harder to compete with Radical Islam for notoriety. For when it comes to being radically rightwing, Islamists put in the extra jihad. Your average rightwing misogynist expects his woman to take his last name and stay in the kitchen. Islamists do the same, plus they behead their wives for attempting divorce (see recent beheader Muzzamil Hassan, founder of an understand-Islam-before-you-judge TV program. Uh, yeah, I understand).
Your average rightwing extremist doesn’t believe in evolution. Neither does an Islamist, except when it comes to the Jews descending from monkeys. Your average rightwing extremist is a bigot. The entire Arab world swelters in Islamist bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia, and sexist superstition. Moderation in Islamist Somalia is refraining from beating your daughter when she expresses horror at your dictatorial choice of a suitor to marry her and “unsew” what was mutilated and sewn up when the girl was five. Who is naïve enough to say these traditions end at Ellis Island?
Minnesota’s Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison, tried to speak at a Fatah-Hamas peace rally last January on the steps of the St. Paul Capitol building, but Hamas ralliers – wildly burning an Israeli flag – brought his speech to an end with boos. An Israeli was in the crowd, but the Hamas chapter leader said “Get the hell out of here you little fa***t.”
I think you get the general tenor of this. It’s anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox. And since I can’t really hear much more and I think this is not really family viewing, I’ll toss it back to you.
Er, wait, that was CNN’s response to those “despicable” tea parties, not to the homo-hating, flag-burning, fear-mongering rally in St. Paul.
Surely someone in Minnesota cares that the only American suicide-bomber, young Shirwa Ahmed from Minneapolis, was the worst kind of rightwing extremist: an Islamist. Or that 35 training camps around the US are run by the worst kind of rightwing group: the Islamist Jamaat al-Fuqra, responsible for the Hotel Rajneesh bombing and murder of Danny Pearl. Or that rightwing families in Minneapolis allow girls to play basketball only when the boys aren’t around, in accordance with their interpretation of one of the most powerful guides to rightwing extremism: the Koran.
In Saudi Arabia (talk about “hatred of particular religious groups,” try being Jewish there) women get beaten for walking to the store without a man. And in Somalia (talk about “antigovernment”) there’s no government for girls to turn to when they get raped– it’s their fault for being stupid. Ah, Multiculturalism. Such seductive charm, even the stiffs at DHS fall under its spell.
Those DHS stiffs. I once tried to get one to visit a brothel with me and he flatly rejected. Only after I explained it's a very common practice for married men in much of the world did he finally acquiesce. Heh.
Really though, is the whole DHS targeting Ron Paul supporters and "single-issue" citizens really that big of a deal? I guess your point is that the recent "rightwing terrorist" generalizations are made very public while we aren't allowed to hear about generalities of an Islamic terrorist. Presumably they're muslim. Tangentally, it's difficult for me to argue with DHS's criteria for investigation/whatever. I assume they more vigorously investigate the much more likely to be violent extreme rightwing Islamist.
Pat: I like the spin on your piece. I hope the caveat in what I wrote was clear enough: if things were really as bad as I like to pretend, none of us could write the things we do. I get a huge kick out of the people who think the government is conspiracy-ridden. I'm certainly not one of them. I just am sick and tired of having my opinions marginalized by the state and "open-minded" people.
Dan: I think the DHS report is worth critizing. Like Pat says, if the DHS was REALLY worried about right-wing extremists, they wouldn't have published this report. It seems to me the effort is not only to justify their existence, but to trivialize certain beliefs. It's just like calling a pro-life thinker "anti-women's rights". In reality, the ability to kill your children has nothing to do with women's rights, but calling a person "anti-choice" confuses the issue and stifles any reasonable debate.
Dan, DHS probably has its priorities straight when it comes down to it. But a lot of liberals have lost their sense of proportion, and I think this DHS report is fuel for their fire. Islamists are sheltered in the US...when really they fit a perfect description of DHS' rightwing extremists. "Antigovernment"? Yes, because they want Shariah. Hateful of races and religions? Yes. But then again, nothing wrong with hating a religion.
Steve, I did catch your caveat and it made me proud to be a conservative.
Janet Napolitaneano, Napolitano ... ahhh ... Napolean certainly had things on her mind other than true national sercurity when she released the report, and it was pretty trite and unpatriotic (yeah, I said it) to do that. So yeah, marginalizing a "group" of Americans was wrong and stupid, but I still don't see it as That big of a deal.
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