There can’t be many Americans that still gaze with disbelief at gay pride parades and gay couples holding hands: embrace it or not, most would agree that "it's a free country." Incest, however, still rouses a reaction similar to the Butler in the movie "Clue" when the Cop concludes the same after inspecting a Billiard Room full of corpses: "I didn't know it was that free," quips the shocked Butler. The disbelief is well-founded, because America is not that free: every state criminalizes incest.
The annual Capital Pride parade on Pennsylvania Avenue last June attracted a couple hundred thousand enthusiasts. One sponsor was Southwest Airlines. “Thanks for being a great travel partner as we take exceptional pride in partnering with you!” says its “gay travel” website in a homoerotic pun. Another was the federally funded DC Metro Transit Authority, which would have been wiser to devote its resources that weekend to updating a rail system with glitches that would kill nine the following weekend. Whole Foods, Verizon, Bank of America, and Yuengling were also among the sponsors, because these days one must be red and orange and purple, as well as “green,” to turn a profit.
It is not yet profitable to sponsor Incest Pride parades, however. For men that wish to marry their mothers or their sisters, the taboos and bigotry that once plagued gays are all too – what’s the word? – familiar. Not content with the U.S. Supreme Court declaring sodomy a fundamental right, the Massachusetts Supreme Court declared gay marriage a fundamental right. But if you fool around with your consenting adult sister, Massachusetts will put you in prison for up to 20 years.
Incestuophobia (as I’ll coin it since I am pioneering a realm that gay activists don’t care to forge) has its defenses. Incest is unnatural and disgusting, the incestuophobes say. Promoting consensual adult incest would be a green light to nonconsensual incest with minors. And even if it wasn’t, incest is a danger to society since it breeds genetic disorders.
The gay movement never accepted the sick-and-unnatural line as credible. Arbitrary taboos, gay activists said, suppressed natural and beautiful urgings. “[G]ay people, fearful of harassment, violence and arrest, were often forced into the shadows,” Frank Rich wrote in The New York Times last June about 60s-era homosexuals. “If a homosexual character appeared in a movie, his life ended with either murder or suicide.” But now gays have Brokeback Mountain, while the incestuous are still stuck with the vague innuendoes of a 17 century suicide tale:
Hamlet: Come and sit down; you shall not budge; You go not till I set you up a glass Where you may see the inmost part of you.
Hamlet’s Mother: What wilt thou do? Thou wilt not murder me? Help, help, Ho! [the incest activists cling to the sexual suggestions of “Ho!”].
As for the “green light” critique, that sounds like a right-wing argument against homosexuality: it’s a slippery slope to five year-old boys eloping. And regarding genetic disorders, they may be a setback for society, but what about AIDS? That anal sex is especially conducive to transmitting the virus is a fact that gay activists sidestep. If fighting AIDS required our cooperation rather than condemnation, why not cooperate on fighting inbreeding defects?
What should classical liberals make of this, aside from the hypocrisy of gay activists? They should maintain their sense of proportion. Perhaps adult siblings should be able to do as they please in the privacy of their homes, but they shouldn’t expect affirmation (government-sanctioned “public affirmation” was part of the Iowa Supreme Court’s pathetic justifications for fundementalizing gay marriage). Likewise, homosexual acts should be legal, but no need to join the parade. Homosexuality, like consensual incest, should not concern the Transportation Department.
Sexual freedom? Of course, this is America! Government praise for your “life style” choices? Of course not, this is America!
Clue is a great movie--thank you for referencing. But I think you distort the reference a little bit... the characters prop the dead people up so that they look they're alive. To the policeman it looks like it's just normal people making out, dancing, and drinking. And Mr. Body is not shocked because he thinks the policeman is condoning necrophilia--he's shocked because he thinks the policeman is condoning murder!
I think linking the gay movement to incest is a powerful tactic... not one which I like dealing with.
The transportation department of course has no business in advancing any type of sexuality or code of morals, so I'm right with you on DC Metro Transit. But Southwest Airlines (diddo Verizon BofA) is private, and they should have the right to say whatever the hell they want... pro or anti gay.
Yeah…I know the scene, I just need to be clearer. When I say they “make it look like everyone was just having a good time,” I assume the reader knows that that would require the illusion that the bodies are alive and having a good time. I’ll insert “alive” for clarity.
I’m definitely not saying Soutwest doesn’t have the right to say what they want. It is axiomatic to me that they have that right. But should they be taunted in this instance? Yes.
Pat. Tread lightly. Equating homosexuality to incest? I'm not saying there's no grounds for it but those gay activist hypocrits can get pretty fervent.
Clue reference is great, and extra points for including incest, homosexuality, and necrophilia in one piece.
Where's the bestiality love?
Come on dan, if you're right then tread as loud as you can.
The thing about incest as opposed to bestiality/polygamy is that it's really not part of a "slippery slope." It's still just two people in love. I'm still waiting for gay activists offer a legitimate reason that gay marriage is ok but not incestuous marriage.
Will they say that incest isn't popular? Remember when Ahmadinejad said there were no gay people in Iran, and we all scoffed and snikered? Perhaps now we can understand where Ahmadinejad was coming from...he probably really thinks that, because it's so taboo!
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