Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rep. Paul Ryan Explains "Financial Reform"

“We didn’t catch this last problem, what makes you think more of the same regulators are going to catch it next time” - Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

For any readers wondering what's wrong with the financial "reform" package currently debated in Congress, this is a clear, concise, and directed breakdown of the legislation. I'm really starting to like this Paul Ryan guy. I've been watching him for awhile now and he's smart as a whip. It's rare to see a Representative so well versed in finance/economics.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Paul Ryan is so close to being my favorite for 2012, and yet so far. He voted for TARP, the autobailouts, and the tax on AIG bonuses. He tries to explain here:


Any thoughts Steve? Was TARP necessary to stop deflation?