Regarding General McChrystal's job security, Obama was quoted as saying, "All options are on the table."
On a formally unrelated, but potentially uniquely intertwined topic, Defense Secretary Robert Gates is expected to nominate the current Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James Amos, to fill the Marine Corps' highest position. This leaves the respected, oft-attacked General James Mattis as the bridesmaid in the Commandant wedding.
Assuming McChrystal is unable to retain his job and Mattis is official passed by as a possible Commandant, I'd like to voice my opinion that General James Mattis would be the perfect fit for a possible job opening as ISAF Commander in Afghanistan. Mattis' unique ability to understand the kinetic and non-kinetic battlefield Afghanistan would reap enormous benefit for the war effort there. He is loved dearly by Marines for his brash efficiency, respected by foreigners and feared by enemies.
Full Disclosure: This idea is not unique to me at all, just vigorously supported. Mattis is the first name that would come to any Marine's mind for a job like this.
General Mattis will always hold a place in every Marine's heart for such wonderful quotes as:
2003: On the eve of the Iraq Invasion
"Our fight is not with the Iraqi people, nor is it with members of the Iraqi army who choose to surrender. While we will move swiftly and aggressively against those who resist, we will treat all others with decency, demonstrating chivalry and soldierly compassion for people who have endured a lifetime under Saddam’s oppression...You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon...Carry out your mission and keep your honor clean. Demonstrate to the world that there is ’No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine."
"Actually, it’s a lot of fun to fight. You know, it’s a hell of a hoot… It’s
fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right upfront with you, I like brawling… You
go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because
they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left
anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them."
1 comment:
I didn't expect Gen. Petraeus to replace Gen. McChrsytal, but I'm proud that one of the few men capable of filling McChrystal's boots was picked (and it doesn't hurt that he's Army either).
There is talk that Gen. Mattis could replace Petraeus at CENTCOM. As one reporter said, Mattis "understands the proper order of defeating the enemy so that the civilians among then can be won over without fear, and is as polite and collegial as he is tough."
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